Scar Therapy

Never heard of it right?

Well, scar therapy is a type of non invasive physical therapy, which we use to treat scars, adhesions and fibrosis, of all kinds, including burns.

Why? Even though our bodies are amazing at healing after a wound, surgery or injury, sometimes how we heal, can impact our quality of life.

After procedures like liposuction, people can be left with hard feeling lumps. This is fibrosis. Sometimes a surgery isn’t planned, like an emergency caesarean, and it is a scar someone wasn’t expecting to have. A scar can represent and remind someone of a trauma. We can also look at scars and be proud of them, for they tell a story.

Scar therapy is something to consider to help with;

  • Reducing symptoms such as pain, sensitivity or numbness

  • Aesthetic improvement, such as puckering, or coloration

  • Promoting function, such as reducing tightness, pulling or restricted movement

  • Stimulating changes to superficial scar tissue, and deeper, underlying fibrotic and adhered tissues

Q & A

Will my scar vanish?

  • No, sadly not, but this therapy is designed to try and make improvements to how scars look, feel and move

What can you work on?

  • Cancer surgeries, cording, mastectomies, reconstructions (DIEP/TRAM/TMG) etc

  • Cosmetic procedure scars, from abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), breast augmentations (lifts/implants/reductions), brachioplasty (arm lift) to name a few

  • Orthopaedic surgeries, like knee and hip replacements

  • C sections

  • Burns

  • Spinal , open heart, organ transplant surgeries

  • Road traffic accidents

  • Oral (mouth) surgeries

  • Scars new or old - the list is endless

What don’t you work on?

  • Keloid scars (although I can work around the area)

  • Stretch marks

  • Acne scarring

Get in touch if you would like to see how I can help you.

Scar therapy can make all the difference.